
人气指数:14 页面更新时间:2016-07-18 14:44

  tendence手表的设计个性而独特,理念比较前卫,目前为止发展已经遍布了,并且在不断的创新,不断的发展,总部设在瑞士卢加诺(Lugano)的Tendence天势表设计独特、引领潮流,遵循互补与融合的创新、风格大胆。使用丰富的专业知识技能、 前卫技术和精致的材料。大胆的3D 设计、尺寸和特殊材料的完美组合,都是Tendence天势表的缩影。而这些品质:独特与现代的设计、互补与融合的创新也正是Tendence天势表区别于其他手表的地方。我们享受我们做什么,爱我们的手表。


  Founded in 2007 in Lugano, Switzerland when two people came up with the first ideas to create a watch like no other, Tendence is known today as the dynamic Swiss brand which doesn’t follow the trends but creates them.

  In 2013 Tendence enlarged its Lifestyle product portfolio with a selection of bold, stylish pieces including statement Jewelry, Accessories and Eyewear. Tendence products can be found worldwide at selected stores and Tendence Monobrand Boutiques.

  The Tendence Team serves the worldwide markets from the Head Office in Lugano, Switzerland and the Tendence Asia Office in Hong Kong.


  At Tendence, creativity is the name of the game and individuality is our core belief. With design conscious individuals in mind, Tendence designs and produces an impressive array of striking, Larger Than Life products which emerge from a complementary fusion of innovation, style and audacious design.


  Embodied in every Tendence design is the philosophy that each individual should enjoy their own personal style – After all, it’s about you.

  This is reflected by the wide range of collections available, conveying the fundamental constituents of the Larger Than Life phenomena which encompasses Tendence.

  Each and every Tendence product is created using a wealth of craftsmanship expertise together with avant-garde technology, exquisite materials and a healthy dash of irreverent fun.


  电话: +41 91 910 78 40

  邮箱: info@tendenceworld.com


网站名称: tendence手表
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网站链接: www.tendenceworld.com
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